Refrigeration Equipment -Commercial & Industrial

To store the fresh goods such as meat, fish, fruit and vegetables, butters and fats requires large scale refrigeration with ample storage capacity. This can also extend to “cold rooms”. There has to be significant insulation to maintain an ambient temperature at all times as a breakdown can have significant cost implications. These suppliers sell all the reliable equipment.

Act Cool Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Services

Chilaw Road Hattiniya Maravila

0322255111, 0771736677


Analytical Instruments (Pvt) Ltd

No 100 Elvitigala Mw Colombo 08

0112639000, 0112699962


Aqua Coolers Ltd

No 324 Biyagama Rd Pattiya Junction Kelaniya

0777762260, 0112913197


Bentley Products Co

Giriulla Rd Mirigama

0332273235, 0332273795

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